I actually do receive lots of postcards in Tailand. I have a friend who might be me if I were a he. We drink lots of wine and gurrrrl in judgement. We like manners. We tell people if they don't have nice things to say, they should come sit by us. We laugh so loudly we get shushed (like, church isn't funny?). He asks after my shoe collection. Anyway my me-he likes postcards. And me-me does to. And since I'm the luckiest me in the world, he sends them to me.
Like this one, from Myanmar.
And this one, from the Philippines.
And these, from...I don't know, a bunch of other places in Asia.
Then he told me he found the perfect card for me in the bread aisle of his grocery store. What he's doing in the bread aisle in a Hong Kong grocery store I don't know, because you don't usually find the booze there. Anyway he was there and there it was. And he told me it was made for me (he said, "It was made for YOU!") and that I had better love it best of all and more than any other piece of mail I'd ever received from him. And so I said, "I promise to love this one best of all." Which is just what my mother said when I was born. Sorry, sisters.
Never fear a bold shoe, that's what I say.
Especially when it's on top of your wine.