I'm a Ninja.

I am. Not in the traditional, black-silk-pajama-wearing, breaking-into-high-security-mansions, art-stealing way. I'm a ninja of the mind. Ok, of my mind. 

Which is why, when I couldn't get into my yard because my gate was inexplicably broken as if after having worked perfectly well all weekend it decided it was French and therefore to go on strike, I decided I could scale fences. Like a NINJA.

The thing is, I don’t like to be kept from things I want to do. And the other day I really REALLY wanted to sit in my yard. Have you seen my yard?

It includes contemplative dogs enjoying lavender.  

It includes contemplative dogs enjoying lavender.  

It was nice, it was warm, it was Tuesday....you know what, the why doesn’t matter. The point is, my gate was as broken as the European financial system and I couldn’t get in, no matter how many times I stamped my feet and pushed on the door and rattled the handle and yelled at the fence and tantrumed in the early evening. Same with the banks.

For a second I considered just going back inside and waiting a while before trying again. You know, the “turn it off and then turn it back on” method I use on everything from my laptop to the blender. I mean, this always works: my laptop always goes back on, the blender always makes me a margarita. 1 + 1 = 2. But I knew.

I was going to have to climb over that fence and open that wretched gate from the inside. Just a like a ninja.

No big whip, right? It’s only like a 6-foot fence. Which by the way, you cannot vault yourself over by just standing on a kitchen chair. Lesson 1, learned.

Sitting outside my gate on the aforementioned kitchen chair, ignoring the people walking by wondering why I was sitting on a kitchen chair in the middle of the sidewalk, I of course realized I needed a ladder. And it turns out, someone to hold it because it turns out I had to stand almost at the very top of the ladder to swing myself up and over, one leg on the ladder, one leg dangling over the fence, balanced on my hands in a bizarre fence-beam routine, and then lower myself down (thereby shocking every gym teacher I've ever had since I never could do a chin up) onto an outdoor storage cabinet before dismounting onto the patio. Lessons 2-6 learned in quick succession.

Lesson 7 is that a victory dismount pose is less effective when your friend can’t see it because she is on the other side of a traitorously locked gate.

Lesson 8 is that the evening is a little bit lovelier and the wine tastes a little bit better when you have to work a little bit harder to get it. So go get it.


Jesus is on the B-list.

I would like to have a dinner party and I would like to invite...hmmmm. Who would I invite? First I’d invite Jesus because if I ran out of wine, I have tons of water. We should note that running out of wine is both highly improbable and highly probable. I like to drink it, so I have lots of it....because I like to drink it, so I might run out of it. Ergo, Jesus. Unless it turns out that the whole Bible thing was just a story and when I take Jesus to the sink and turn on the tap, He just looks at me with his big Jesus eyes like “what’s THIS?!” because...no taps in Jerusalem. In which case I’d be like “Are you for real, JC?!” Great, still no wine.

So, Jesus is on the maybe list until I can investigate further. Of course, I could invite Nancy Drew to the party. She’s probably a teetotaler, so no worries about having to get her any wine. She’d investigate this Jesus story. She’d give it a clever name, like “Nancy Drew and The Case Of the Missing Wine” and she’d ask lots of questions. I don’t have a bell tower or a grandfather clock or even a roadster,  but I bet I could keep her busy with a vintage watch or a monocle or something.

She’d certainly be interested in talking to Gregory Peck because a) he’s dead and b) he’s a dreamboat. Also, he’s Atticus Finch. He can sit next to Chopin, who will be talking to Beverly Cleary and/or Judy Blume. I might invite them both but I’m afraid they will dominate the conversation with Tales of a Fourth Grade Ramona Quimby Deenie Margaret Ellen Tebbits Tiger Eyes mashup. I’ll have to set some ground rules for them otherwise Chopin will be so bored....

I wonder.....if Jesus is on the list, should I add Buddha too? And then shouldn't I also invite Mohammed and Confucius and that Zoorastrian guy? Martin Luther might get upset if he’s not on the list and try to nail something to my door, like The 95 Rules of Dinner Party Etiquette and I’d have to invite him and Emily Post in because manners dictate that a good hostess makes everyone feel comfortable. I could invite an Episcopalian because they’re like Catholic-lite and will balance the crowd, but I will not have a Calvinist to this party. I don’t have any wooden chairs and they’ll just get upset by Kali, who would have to arrive in all her chaotic glory (which would probably please Dali to no end) and now this party has got a definite religious theme (which would not sit well at all with the Galileo).

So, Jesus is definitely on the B-list for this one.